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Microsoft Community Contributor 2012

Como primera entrada, quiero darles a conocer el reconocimiento que he recibido hace aproximadamente un mes y que hoy aparece en mi perfil de la comunidad de Microsoft en línea.

Dear Sergio,

Congratulations! We are pleased to inform you that your contributions to Microsoft online technical communities have been recognized with the Microsoft Community Contributor badge.

This recognition is reserved for participants who made notable contributions in Microsoft online communities such as MSDN, TechNet and Microsoft Answers. The value of these online resources is greatly enhanced by participants like you who voluntarily contribute your time and energy to improve the online community experience for others.
Esto me compromete a seguir ayudando a las personas en la comunidad y a continuar con el aprendizaje de está maravillosa herramienta.

Gracias a todos y a Microsoft.

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